The St. Lawrence II is a custom built Tall Ship that operates as a platform for experiential outdoor adventure programs. Every detail of the design is meant to maximize the impact of the programming and the participants' experience.
Built by Kingston Shipyards in 1953 to a design by the legendary Francis MacLachlan & Mike Eames, the ship is designed to create teamwork, community, and cooperative effort between participants; to connect people with the natural world through tactile experiences, to deliver an understanding of both the power and fragility of nature; and to foster the creation of lasting friendships.
As an experiential adventure platform, the program and accommodations are very similar to canoe tripping or backcountry camping - there is a simple cooking arrangement, cabin style bunking; it’s all very cottagey and space is used very efficiently.
The ship is extraordinarily seaworthy and sails very well - having made many voyages throughout the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean.
Below decks the ship is separated into 3 spaces. One forward for jr. Youth Leaders, one aft for Crew, and one amidships for participants. She is also fitted with two "heads" (washrooms), a camp “galley” (kitchen) and an Engine Room.
St. Lawrence II has a full modern navigation suite which includes Electronic Chart System, AIS, GPS, Radar, Depth Sounder and two VHF/DSC radios.