Apply to take part in the Ships2Shores Program to sail abaord the St.Lawrence II
your Sail,
Your Summer,
Your Story!
what is ships2shores?
A Broad Reach Canada & Tall Ship Expeditions Canada cooperative program where you develop knowledge, skills and community projects through sailing!
This summer you can sail ABOARD the Expedition Tall Ship St. Lawrence II for free thanks to SHIPS2shores! Make sure you mention us in your application!
Who’s It For?
Youth from 13-29
When Does It Happen?
May 24th - August 31st 2025 on the St. Lawrence II
Where Does It Take Place?
On the Tall Ship St. Lawrence II and in YOUR community!
What’ll I Do?
You are required to complete 120 hours:
10 hours of onboarding + 100 hours of sailing + community
service project + 10 hours of offboarding.
Apply now by clicking the button below, and mentioning you want to apply to sail ABOARD the St. Lawrence II!
Learn More: